Occupational contact dermatitis in painters and varnishers: Data from the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK), 2000 to 2019

Painters and varnishers (“painters”) are exposed to various contact allergens and skin irritants, and therefore, are at risk for developing occupational dermatitis (OD).

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[8]  J. Geier,et al.  Clinicians vs. epidemiologists: patch testing with methyldibromo glutaronitrile as a controversial issue , 2019, Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology : JEADV.

[9]  J. Geier,et al.  Tertiary prevention of occupational skin diseases: Prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis and pattern of patch test results , 2018, Contact dermatitis.

[10]  T. Agner,et al.  Long‐lasting allergic contact dermatitis caused by methylisothiazolinone in wall paint: A case report , 2018, Contact dermatitis.

[11]  W. Uter,et al.  Isothiazolinones are still widely used in paints purchased in five European countries: a follow‐up study , 2018, Contact dermatitis.

[12]  T. Agner,et al.  Occupational hand eczema and/or contact urticaria: factors associated with change of profession or not remaining in the workforce , 2018, Contact dermatitis.

[13]  J. Geier,et al.  Wie ist eine positive Epikutantestreaktion auf 4,4‘-Diaminodiphenylmethan zu beurteilen? , 2017 .

[14]  N. Raison-Peyron,et al.  Airborne allergic contact dermatitis caused by isothiazolinones in water‐based paints: a retrospective study of 44 cases , 2017, Contact dermatitis.

[15]  J. Lepoittevin,et al.  Contact allergy caused by isothiazolinone derivatives: an overview of non-cosmetic and unusual cosmetic sources , 2017, European Journal of Dermatology.

[16]  M. Flyvholm,et al.  Contact allergy to preservatives in patients with occupational contact dermatitis and exposure analysis of preservatives in registered chemical products for occupational use , 2017, International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health.

[17]  P. Frosch,et al.  ESSCA results with nickel, cobalt and chromium, 2009–2012 , 2016, Contact dermatitis.

[18]  J. Geier,et al.  Sensitization to reactive diluents and hardeners in epoxy resin systems. IVDK data 2002–2011. Part II: concomitant reactions , 2016, Contact dermatitis.

[19]  J. Geier,et al.  Sensitization to reactive diluents and hardeners in epoxy resin systems. IVDK data 2002–2011. Part I: reaction frequencies , 2016, Contact dermatitis.

[20]  K. Aalto‐Korte,et al.  Occupational allergic contact dermatitis caused by epoxy chemicals: occupations, sensitizing products, and diagnosis , 2015, Contact dermatitis.

[21]  J. Geier,et al.  Epidemiological data on airborne contact dermatitis – results of the IVDK , 2015, Contact dermatitis.

[22]  J. Geier,et al.  Occupational contact allergy in nurses: results from the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology 2003–2012 , 2015, Contact dermatitis.

[23]  J. Johansen,et al.  Occupations at risk of developing contact allergy to isothiazolinones in Danish contact dermatitis patients: results from a Danish multicentre study (2009–2012) , 2014, Contact dermatitis.

[24]  R. Bossi,et al.  Emission of isothiazolinones from water-based paints. , 2014, Environmental science & technology.

[25]  Wolfgang Uter,et al.  Risk factors associated with methylisothiazolinone contact sensitization , 2013, Contact dermatitis.

[26]  K. Andersen,et al.  Allergic contact dermatitis from octylisothiazolinone , 2013, Contact dermatitis.

[27]  J. Geier,et al.  Recent increase in allergic reactions to methylchloroisothiazolinone/methylisothiazolinone: is methylisothiazolinone the culprit? , 2012, Contact dermatitis.

[28]  B. L. Andersen,et al.  Occupational contact dermatitis in painters – an analysis of patch test data from the Danish Contact Dermatitis Group , 2012, Contact dermatitis.

[29]  J. Geier,et al.  COD Contact Dermatitis Occupational contact allergy caused by rubber gloves – nothing has changed , 2012 .

[30]  J. Geier,et al.  Surveillance of contact allergies: methods and results of the Information Network of Departments of Dermatology (IVDK) , 2012, Allergy.

[31]  J. Geier,et al.  Patch testing with benzoyl peroxide: reaction profile and interpretation of positive patch test reactions , 2009, Contact dermatitis.

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[33]  E. Zimerson,et al.  How to optimize patch testing with diphenylmethane diisocyanate , 2007, Contact dermatitis.

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