MATRIXx/PCTMallows engineers to rapidly build system models interactively and graphically on personal computers and to simulate and optimize system characteristics based on these models. The complete model can be developed by modeling each aspect or component of a system and the manner in which these components interact. Performance may be evaluated under nominal and off-design conditions. Model-building, simulation, and optimization are thus available in an integrated, interactive, graphical, and user- friendly package. The software requires no knowledge of standard programming languages. It has been used by engineers, technical managers, and technical specialists. Interfaces to other productivity tools will integrate graphics output with text, thus documenting analyses results for presentations, reports, and communication to other divisions in a company. A unique networking capability allows a number of personal computers to share databases or to transfer large computationally intensive problems to a mainframe.
Karl Johan Åström,et al.
Computer aided modeling, analysis and design of control systems - A perspective
Robert Walker,et al.
Multivariable adaptive control algorithms and their mechanizations for aerospace applications
The 23rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.
T. Sadeghi,et al.
Computer-aided control system analysis and design using interactive computer graphics
IEEE Control Systems Magazine.
R.A. Walker,et al.
Computer-aided engineering (CAE) for system analysis
Proceedings of the IEEE.