Interference Patterns in Reverberant Sound Fields. II
Contour charts are given of the sound fields near one, two, or three reflecting surfaces at right angles, for random sound incidence. The charts show contours of the mean‐squared pressure in decibels as a function of position in the region within 2 wavelengths of the boundary surfaces. The boundary conditions at the reflecting planes are pressure reflecting (normal velocity equal to zero) or pressure release (pressure equal to zero). By reciprocity, the charts also give the radiation resistance of a point source as a function of position near such reflectors. The formulas used are tabulated; they extend and in some places correct formulas given in an earlier paper [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 27, 247–258 (1955)]. The features of the sound fields near the reflectors are discussed, and some applications to acoustics measurements in reverberant sound fields are considered. [Work partly supported by the U. S. Office of Naval Research.]