Status of the SOLAR2000 solar irradiance model

Abstract SOLAR2000 is a collaborative project for accurately characterizing solar irradiance variability across the full spectrum. The SOLAR2000 model is being developed as an image- and full-disk proxy empirical solar irradiance model covering the spectral range of 1–10,000 nm at 1 nm resolution starting in 1947. The overarching scientific goal of the project is to understand how the Sun varies spectrally and through time from the X-rays to infrared wave-lengths by providing a self-consistent solar spectrum derived from space-based measurements. The model is used as a fundamental energy input for planetary atmosphere models and as a baseline for first principles solar models. It is a tool to specify the solar radiation component of the space environment and will be compliant with the International Standards Organization (ISO) solar irradiance standard. SOLAR2000 is being developed in five (spectral range) phases and five forecast time scales for research, contract, operations, and commercial grades of the model.