Cytomorphological Behaviour of Primary Trisomics in Pearl Millet (Pennisetum americanum (L.) Leeke)

The desynaptic plant showed univalents ranging from 0 to 13 at diakinesis and metaphase I. In triploid plant 36 per cent of the cells showed eight chromosomes separating to one pole at anaphase I. The morphology, cytology and sterility studies were conducted in all the trisomics isolated. All the primary trisomics showed 6II+1III or 7II+1I at diakinesis and metaphase I. The frequency of trivalents was reduced at metaphase I. The trivalent resumed in chain of 3, V-, Y-, frying pan, S-, J- and 4-shape configurations. Based on cytomorphological distinction, the 16 trisomics were grouped in five classes as bushy, awned, slender, dark green and tiny.