An Algorithm for Amplified Image Enhancement based on Image Interpolation

An magnified image enhancement algorithm is presented in this study. Image interpolation is an important image magnification tool, but the magnified image has not been changed by the traditional image interpolation methods even if the magnified image is not satisfaction. Basically, the interpolating surface is determined uniquely for the given interpolating data. Namely the interpolating surface (magnified image) is fixed when the interpolating data (gray value of original image) is given. If the magnified image needs to be enhanced, another enhancement method must be chosen after image magnifying. The image magnification and enhancement are separated. The image natural attribute will be effected. To overcome the disadvantages of the traditional methods, a new method which combined the image magnification and enhancement is proposed. A bivariate rational interpolation with parameters is used in the algorithm. The value of the interpolating function at any point in the interpolating region can be modified under the condition that the interpolating data are not changed by selecting the suitable parameters. Using the surface control, the enlarged image enhancement is implemented. The experiment shows that the algorithm is efficient.