Evaluation of WUWB Transmission with LOS and NLOS for Smart Home

Wireless ultra-wideband communications technology (WUWB) is a fast popular technology because many unique attractive features that promotes development about wireless communications, networking. WUWB has so high elevated and also allows the force spectral intensity to be so few, and the force limits on UWB are being severely limited by the regulatory bodies. Technology offers plenty advantages, particularly about terms of so high data transmission rates which are good above those probable with currently deployed technologies. The optimization of data transmission is to use multiantenna WUWB method. So, as an alternative, a multiantenna can be used to reduce the error rate as well as improve the quality and capability of wireless transmission by directing, with an aim to adventure the spatial diversity in the channel. The benefits of such a system can be found in independent relationships. This paper presents the spatial effects about transmitter/receiver relations for multiantenna UWB systems under line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) situation. A comparison results exhibit that the relations reduce as the antenna length expand for the scenario. In the example of a NLOS situation, the relations does not rely on the spacing.