A ação do Baygon (OMS-33) no combate ao Panstrongylus megistus

From 1972 to 1975, 20 0 dwellings were sprayed with Baygon (OMS-33) '2 isopropoxifenil-Nmetil-carbamate), to control Panstrongylus megistus the vector o f Trypanosoma cruzi in an endemic Chagas' disease area in the State o f Bahia, Brazil. A dose o f only 1.6 mg/m1 o f Baygon sprayed twice a year was considered satisfactory for controlling P. megistus. However, the high cost o f Baygon prohibits its use on large scale control programs. Nevertheless, the Authors suggest that Baygon can be useful in eliminating vector bugs from individuais houses by those who can afford it.