-This paper presents a model for machine recognition of connected speech and the details of a specific implementation of the model, the hearsay system. The model consists of a small set of cooperating independent parallel processes that are capable of helping in the decoding of a spoken utterance either individually or collectively. The processes use the 'hy pothesize-and-test'' paradigm. The structure of hearsay is illustrated by considering its operation in a particular task situation: voice-chess. The task is to recognize a spoken move in a given board position. Procedures for determination of parameters, segmentation, and phonetic descriptions are outlined. The use of semantic, syntactic, lexical, and phonological sources of knowledge in the generation and verification of hypotheses is described. Preliminary results of recognition of some utterances are given. Introduction Most papers on speech recognition conclude by saying that it is necessary to use higher level linguistic cues to obtain acceptable recognition. The terms context, syntax, semantics, and phonological rules are used but attempts to utilize these sources of knowledge have not been successful because of the ill structuredness of these concepts. This paper represents a summary of several years of investigation to formulate an information processing model that would lead to efficient recognition of speech and in which the role of various sources of knowledge would be well defined. At the 1969 spring meeting of the Acoustical Society, we presented several papers on the structure of a speech recognition system that was used to recognize a list of 500 isolated words and a syntax-directed connected speech-recognition system using a finite state grammar and a 16-word vocabulary (Vicens [37] , Reddy [31 ] , Neely [22]). Six amplitude and zero-crossing parameters of the incoming utterance were sampled every 10 ms and segmented. The segManuscript received April 30, 1972. This research was supported in part by the Advanced Research Projects Agency of the Department of Defense under Contract F44620-70-C-0107 and monitored by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research. D. R. Reddy and L. D. Erman are with the Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. R. B. Neely was with the Department of Computer Science, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213. He is now with the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center, Palo Alto, Calif. 94505. ments were labeled to specify the phonetic class; the syntax was used for sentence analysis and word boundary determination, and prelearned acoustic and phonetic segmental descriptions of lexical items were used for word recognition. Several inherent limitations were apparent even as we developed the system. First, the vocabulary had to be reduced to 16 words because of word boundary ambiguity problems. For example, the word "large" had to be changed to "big" because of assimilation of the reduced vowel of "the" into the semivowel /!/ of "large" in the utterance: "Pick up the large block." Second, we had to overcome the limitations of the syntax-directed methods. One could not blindly parse from left to right; rather, we had to locate anchor points from which parsing could proceed both backwards and forwards. This was necessary to compensate for machine errors in earlier stages and to compensate for the idiosyncrasies in speaker performance such as introduction of spurious words, repetition of words, and inclusion of hmmand ha-like sounds. Third, the simple hierarchical structure in which output from one process forms the input to the next was not adequate for the task. Errors introduced in each process tend to have multiplicative effect, i.e., if each of four processes introduced 10 percent errors, the cumulative error would be 34 percent. Further, the lack of feedback and feedforward of the simple hierarchical model meant any errors that got through were uncorrectable. The main virtue of the system was that it was the first demonstrable system to use syntactic and lexical constraints to recognize connected speech sentences (such as: "Pick up the big block at the bottom right corner"). For the past four years the authors have been attempting to develop a model and a system for connected speech recognition that did not suffer from the limitations mentioned previously, and that would serve as a research tool for speech-recognition research over a wide range of tasks. The following sections present the resulting model and an outline of the system implemented on a PDP-10 computer. The Model We were interested in developing a system capable ofrecognition of connected speech from several speakers with graceful error recovery, in close to real time, and easily generalizable to operate in several different task domains. We started with several requirements for the model. 1) Contributions of syntax, semantics, context, and other sources of knowledge towards recognition should be clearly evaluatable. Exactly what and how much does each contribute towards improving the performance o | the system? 2) The absence of one or more sources of knowl230 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AUDIO AND ELECTROACOUSTICS, JUNE 1973 edge should not have a crippling effect on the performance of the model. That semantic context should not be essential for perception is illustrated by overheard conversations among strangers. That syntactic or phonological context should not be essential is illustrated by conversations among children. That lexical representation is not essential is illustrated by our recognition of new words and nonsense syllables. 3) When more than one source of knowledge is available, interactions between them should lead to a greater improvement in performance than is possible to attain by the use of any subset of sources of knowledge. 4) Since the decoding process is errorful at every stage, the model must permit graceful error recovery. 5) Increases in performance requirements, such as the real time requirement, increase in vocabulary, modifications to the syntax, or changes in semantic interpretation, should not require major reformulation of the model. The model we have arrived at to satisfy these requirements consists of a small set of cooperating independent processes capable of helping in the decoding process either individually or collectively and using the "hypothesize-and-test" paradigm. Each of the processes in our model is based on a particular source of knowledge, e.g., syntactic, semantic, or acoustic-phonetic rules. Each process uses its own source of knowledge in conjunction with the present context (i.e., the presently recognized subparts of the utterance) in generating hypotheses about the unrecognized portions of the utterance. This mechanism provides a way for using (much talked about but rarely used) context, syntax, and semantics in the recognition process. The notion of a set of independent parallel processes, each of which is capable of generation and verification of hypotheses, is needed to satisfy the requirements 1) and 2) mentioned previously. In our model, the absence of a source of knowledge implies deactivating that process, and recognition proceeds (albeit more slowly and with lower accuracy) using the hypotheses generated by the remaining processes. The independence of the processes permits us to deactivate a source of knowledge and measure how and by how much that source of knowledge improves the system. The need for parallel processes can be derived from the real-time performance requirement. If the system is to ever approach human performance, it must be able to answer trivial questions as soon as they are uttered (some times even before they are completed). This implies that various processes of the system should be able to operate on the incoming data as soon as they are able to do so without waiting for the completion of the whole utterance (as in a simple hierarchic model). The "coroutine" model, in which each process passes control to the next level when a "chunk" is perceived and regains control when a new chunk is needed, would be satisfactory. But this organization can lead to irrevocable loss of data if a higher level process does not return control in time to process new chunks of incoming speech. Thus, there must be at least two parallel processes, one of which is continuously monitoring the input speech and the other proceeding with recognition. This, in addition to requirements 1) and 2), suggests a model with parallel processes. An important aspect of the model is the nature of cooperation between processes. The implication is that, while each of the processes is independently capable of decoding the incoming utterance, they are also able to cooperate with each other to help recognize the utterance faster and with greater accuracy. Process "A" can guide and/or reduce the hypothesis generation phase of process "B" by temporarily restricting the parts of the lexicon that can be accessed by By or by restricting the syntax available to process B, and so on. This assumes that process A has additional information that it can effectively use to provide such a restriction. For example, in a given syntactic or semantic situation only a small subset of all the words of a language may appear. The need for a hypothesize-and-test paradigm arises from 4). The "errorful" nature of speech processing at every stage implies that every source of knowledge has to be brought to bear to resolve ambiguities and errors at every stage of processing. This implies rich connectivity among various processes and involves both feedforward and feedback. The hypothesizeand-test paradigm represents an elegant way of obtaining this cooperation in a uniform manner. The notion of hypothesize-and-test is not new. It has been used in several artificial intelligence programs (Newell [25]). It is equivalent to analysis-bysynthesis (Halle and Stevens [10]) if the "test" consists of matching the incom