A Novel Time-domain Approach Using TDR/TDT for Synthesizing SPICE-compatible Models of Power Delivery Networks with Resonance Efiect

A novel time-domain approach for synthesizing SPICE-compatible models of power delivery networks with resonance efiect using time-domain re∞ected/transmitted waveforms either measured by TDR/TDT or simulated by FDTD method has been developed. The step responses of the power/ground planes are solved in terms of rational functions by the generalized Pencil-of- Matrix (GPOM) method, and the pole-residue representation of the time-domain step responses of the planes structure is obtained. The macro-… model in terms of the rational functions pairs is obtained through a Y matrix transformation. The equivalent lumped circuits of the macro-… model are synthesized by a lumped circuit extraction method. It is found that the extracted models accurately predict the power/ground bouncing or resonance behavior in a wide-band range. The developed models can be e-ciently incorporated into the HSPICE simulator for considering the power/ground bouncing noise in high-speed circuits.