풍력기반 하이브레드 풍력발전기의 원격 정전압 변동률 분석 장치에 관한 연구

we studied a data acquisition and control system of a wind turbine for measuring and controlling a voltage fluctuations of a wind turbine system. The wind turbine system is installed out control area. So, it is so important for supervising to wind turbine of a maintenance, wind speed, optical resources wind turbine output, wind speed, wind direction, over voltage of a generator. This system can be supplied a data of over voltage, under voltage, voltage fluctuations of a wind turbine for controlling an EMS : Energy Management System or a SCADA : Supervision Control and Data Acquisition at a constitute of a wind farm. The of voltage fluctuation system of a wind turbine is improving an electric power supply power quality of a distribution line and unspecified individuals of used wind turbine.