ZnSe:Cr2+ coherently pumped laser

Abstract ZnSe:Cr 2+ lasers coherently pumped either by flashlamp-pumped Er:YAP (wavelength 1.66 μm) or diode pumped Tm:YAP (wavelength 1.97 μm) laser radiations were characterized and compared. The maximal ZnSe:Cr 2+ laser output pulse energy was 14 mJ with the slope efficiency 70% for Er:YAP pump. With the help of dispersive prism inside the resonator, the generated laser radiation was tunable from 2.15 μm to 2.6 μm with only 3 times drop in laser output energy. With pumping by Tm:YAP laser radiation the pulsed as well as cw regime was investigated. In case of cw the output was 200 mW for absorbed power of 300 mW with the slope efficiency 66%. The temporal profile and spatial structure of the generated laser beam were measured for both pumping arrangements.