Die computerunterstützte Simulation des Geburtsvorganges mit Hilfe der Kernspintomographie und der Finiten Elementanalyse zur Prävention des mechanischen Geburtstraumas

A method is presented, which allows the use of (static) informations from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for (dynamic) biomechanical anlysis. Using an especially developped software MRI pixel matrices are color-coded and - according to the principle of same density - line data are created. After sectional attribution of the resulting polygones a three-dimensional mesh of so called Finite Elements is created, which then can be used for deformation analysis. Because of the complexity of the structures being analysed as well as of the interactions taking place, the use of a super computer is mandatory. The possibility of modelling from imaging procedures and of computer aided dynamic biomechanic analysis promises a significant reduction of experimental (also animal experimental) expenditure. This method is examplified by a project dealing with the simulation of birth mechanics. By means of the biomechanical analysis of deformation stresses within the fetal head as well as maternal pelvic soft tissues a data base for obstetrical decision making shall be obtained, taking into consideration aspects of maternal soft tissue properties, symphysary and sacroiliacal motility as well as fetal head moulding.