A Study on Distribution of Heavy Metal Contamination in the Vegetables using GIS and analytical technique

Vegetable fields of sub-urban areas of Vadodara district, Gujarat, continue to receive the large amounts of extraneous heavy metals due to rapid urbanization and industrialization. A study was conducted to analyze the accumulated concentration of heavy metal contents in pea (Pisum sativum), lady’s finger (Abelmoschus esculentus) and carrot (Daucus carota). A road density thematic map has been generated using the Geographic Information system (GIS) to visualize the anthropogenic sources of heavy metal contaminations in the vegetables. It has been found that the areas which are nearer to the dense road have higher amount of lead and cadmium content than the lower road density market. It was found that heavy metal contamination in vegetables collected from regular markets of Vadodara district, contains an elevated concentration of metal in comparison to the vegetables grown in biofresh farms. The concentration of Zinc was found to be highest in Pea followed by Lady’s finger and Carrot in both suburban as well as biofresh vegetables. However, concentration of Cadmium was found to be highest in carrot. All vegetables either from suburban or biofresh market shows a remarkably lower concentration than Prevention of Food and Adulteration act (PFA) but higher than European Union (EU) standards.