Testing the Effects of Team Processes on Team Member Schema Similarity and Team Performance: Examination of the Team Member Schema Similarity Model

Abstract : This report examines the relationships among team membership influences, team interaction processes, and team member schema similarity, and their potential impact on team performance. Team membership influences were assessed as the similarity of team members on six individual difference variables: (1) trust, (2) self monitoring, (3) private self consciousness, (4) public self consciousness, (5) perspective taking, and (6) team experience. Team interaction processes that occurred as the two member teams completed a team problem solving task were coded. Team membership influences and team interaction processes were examined as antecedents to team member teamwork schema similarity, which was conceptualized as team member teamwork schema agreement and accuracy. Team member teamwork schema agreement and accuracy, as well as team interaction processes, were then tested as antecedents to team performance. The results supported team interaction processes as predictors of team performance. Moderate support was found for the team membership influences team interaction processes link and for the team member schema similarity team performance link. However, no support was found for the role of either team membership influences or team interaction processes as antecedents to team member teamwork schema similarity. The results are discussed in terms of Air Force applications. Suggestions for future research are offered.