Experimental and Computational Investiagtion of Combustor Acoustics and Instabilities, Part II: Transverse Modes

A combined experimental-computational study of transverse acoustic modes and combustion instabilities in a rectangular liquid rocket chamber is presented. Experimental results show that transverse modes can be spontaneously excited in the rectangular chamber. The amplitudes of the acoustic response are governed by the number and location of the injector elements. In general, stronger response of the 1W mode is observed when the injector element is positioned near a pressure anti-nodal location. Companion CFD solutions of the Euler and Navier-Stokes solutions are also performed and compared with the experimental measurements. Good qualitative agreement of the acoustic chamber response is obtained. Further, the computational studies are utilized to perform parametric studies of the eects of non-linear forcing and viscous eects due to the presence of side-wall boundary layers.