A directional coupling scheme for efficient coupling between Si3N4 photonic and hybrid slot-based plasmonic waveguides

Slot-based plasmonic waveguides have attracted significant attention owing to their unique ability to confine light within nanometer-scale. In this context, enhanced localized light-matter interaction and control have been exploited to demonstrate novel concepts in data communication and sensing applications revealing the immense potential of plasmonic slot waveguides. However, inherent light absorption in the metallic parts included is such structures hampers the scaling of plasmonic devices and limits their application diversity. A promising solution of such issues is the use of hybrid plasmo-photonic configurations. Hybrid slot waveguides have been introduced as the means to reduce such propagation losses while maintaining their functional advantages. In addition, their co-integration with low-loss photonic waveguides can enable the development of more complex structures with acceptable overall losses. In such scenario, light needs to be efficiently transferred from the photonic to the plasmonic components and/or backwards. Based on this rationale, in this work a hybrid slot-based structure is adopted to achieve highly efficient light transfer between photonic and plasmonic slot waveguides in the near-infrared spectrum region (λ=1550 nm). This transition is realized with the aid of a directional coupling scheme. For this purpose, a Si3N4 bus waveguide (photonic branch) is located below an Aubased metallic slot (plasmonic branch) forming a hybrid waveguide element. The combined configuration, as it is shown with the aid of numerical simulations , is capable of supporting two hybrid guided modes with quasi-even and odd symmetry allowing the development of a power exchange mechanism between the two branches. In this context, a new directional coupling structure has been designed which can achieve power transmission per transition over 68% within a coupling length of the order of just several microns.