Precise yet Flexible Specification of Emergency Resolution Procedures

Emergency Managers face a number of critical problems related to the compilation, validation, and use of Emergency Procedures. Traditional approaches do not provide enough expressiveness to accurately specify emergency procedures covering each possible scenario. As a result of this situation, Emergency Procedures are not as useful as they should be, neither in prevention nor during resolution of an emergency. In this work, we present an approach that merges two techniques to provide the broad expressiveness required when specifying Emergency Procedures. To represent sequences on actions performed by different participants we use workflow techniques. On the other hand, we use rules to represent available or mandatory actions according to the state of the system during the emergency. These rules are expressed in dynamic logic as the underlying formalism. Our approach provides more expressiveness and precision for the specification of Emergency Procedures, offering better conditions for their verification and validation. As a case study we have used part of a city subway Emergency Procedure.