Outlines of a Theory of the Light Sense.

I could not help feeling a kind of elation when I first laid eyes on this volume. "Finally," I felt, "here it is, in English, in a handsome volume published by a famous University Press, in the translation of two eminent American scholars who themselves spent a lifetime studying vision, especially color vision. Here it is, in English, one of the classics of visual physiology by one of the greatest visual physiologists." And what a translation it is! Hering was, among many other things, a master of style, and none of the clarity and beauty of his style is lost in this translation. One cannot, of course, expect that this translation of Hering's work will ever accomplish what Southall's translation of the "Handbook of Physiological Optics" did for the spreading of the Helmholtzian gospel within the English reading community of scientists. But, at last and at least, Hering too will