Through multi-year funding from DOE-NE, Sandia National Labs supercritical carbon dioxide (SCO2) closed Brayton cycle (CBC) research and development team have recently overseen the completion of the SCO2 CBC recompression test assembly (TA), and delivery from the development contractor’s facility to Sandia, Albuquerque. The primary components of the completed TA include two turboalternator-compressors and associated motor/controllers, three printed circuit heat exchangers, and six shell-and-tube heaters and associated controllers. Principal supporting components include a cooling tower, electricity-dissipating load bank, and leakage flow management equipment. With this milestone completed, significant increase in CBC R&D is anticipated with the objective of advancing the technology readiness level of components seen by industry as immature. This report presents detailed descriptions of all components and operating software necessary to operate the recompression CBC.