Measuring Research and Development Expenditures in the U.S. Economy

Research and development (RDgaps, weaknesses, and missing areas of coverage are identified. The reportdefines R&D, the goals of an integrated system of surveys and collectionactivities, and the accuracy and reliability of the data collected. It focuseson the usefulness of the information, fitness, and utility of the statistics.The analysis examines in detail the use and users of the surveys, and userrequirements and priorities. Four groupings of surveys are examined: R&D in business and industry,innovation in business and industry, R&D spending in the federalgovernment, and R&D activity in academic institutions. Recommendations forreducing discrepancies between surveys, and for administration and managementof NSF regarding surveys are offered. The report also includes recommendationsfor identifying and defining R&D activities, the goals for an integratedR&D measurement system, and recommendations on methodology, design,resources, structure, and implementation priorities. (TNM)