1. In 1958, leys of late flowering red clover (S. 151) and of Italian rye-grass (S. 22) were undersown in barley. In 1959, yield and N and K uptake by clover, and by rye-grass given 0·0, 0·75 or 1·5 cwt. N/acre, were compared; rye-grass, given 1·5 cwt. N/acre, yielded most dry matter and removed three times as much K, but rather less N than did clover. 2. In 1960, wheat given 0·0, 0·25, 0·5 or 0·75 cwt. N/acre as a top-dressing measured residual effects of the N left by each ley. When no N was given to wheat, most grain and straw was obtained after clover ley and least after rye-grass given no N. The residual N from clover was equivalent to 0·14 cwt. N/acre as a fresh top-dressing; N given to rye-grass left only a small residue. When the wheat had 0·5 or 0·75 cwt. N/acre as a top-dressing, N given to rye-grass in 1959 decreased yield, probably because the rye-grass removed much K, but K uptake at harvest was independent of ley. 3. In 1960, leys of early flowering red clover (Dorset Marl) and of Italian rye-grass (S. 22) and a mixture of the two were under-sown in barley. In 1961, yields and N and K uptakes of clover, and of rye-grass given 0·0, 1·0 or 2·0 cwt. N/acre and of clover-rye-grass given 0·0 or 1·0 cwt. N/acre were compared. Rye-grass given 2·0 cwt. N/acre yielded most dry matter and removed one-third more K than did clover, but clover yielded one-third more N.
G. W. Cooke,et al.
Results of an experiment at Rothamsted testing farmyard manure and N, P and K fertilizers on five arable crops I. Yields
The Journal of Agricultural Science.
J. Gasser..
Soil nitrogen. VI.—correlations between laboratory measurements of soil mineral-N and crop yields and responses in pot and field experiments†
T. Walker.
The nitrogen cycle in grassland soils
W. Holmes,et al.
The intensive production of herbage for crop-drying Part VI. A study of the effect of intensive nitrogen fertilizer treatment on species and strains of grass, grown alone and with white clover
The Journal of Agricultural Science.
J. B. Passioura,et al.
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth