Monotonic Maximin: A Robust Stackelberg Solution against Boundedly Rational Followers

There has been recent interest in applying Stackelberg games to infrastructure security, in which a defender must protect targets from attack by an adaptive adversary. In real-world security settings the adversaries are humans and are thus boundedly rational. Most existing approaches for computing defender strategies against boundedly rational adversaries try to optimize against specific behavioral models of adversaries, and provide no quality guarantee when the estimated model is inaccurate. We propose a new solution concept, monotonic maximin, which provides guarantees against all adversary behavior models satisfying monotonicity, including all in the family of Regular Quantal Response functions. We propose a mixed-integer linear program formulation for computing monotonic maximin. We also consider top-monotonic maximin, a related solution concept that is more conservative, and propose a polynomial-time algorithm for top-monotonic maximin.

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