Modelling and Mapping of Critical Thresholds in Europe

This report is the sixth in a bi-annual series prepared by the Coordination Center for Effects (CCE) to document the progress made in calculating and mapping critical loads in Europe. The CCE, as part of the Mapping Programme under the UN/ECE Working Group on Effects (WGE), develops methodologies and databases for the mapping and assessment of effects caused by air pollution. The CCE collects critical load data from individual countries and synthesizes them into European maps and data bases. These data bases, together with scientific advice on critical threshold methodology, are provided to the integrated assessment modeling groups under the UN/ECE Working Group on Strategies and Review (WGS&R). Via this route the effects-related work has a direct impact on the preparations of new protocols to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution. In particular, this report focusses on a recent update of the critical loads database. It also reports on progress with respect to the modelling and mapping of dynamic geo-chemical processes and heavy metals critical loads, to support the possible revision of protocols in 2004. Finally it includes separate reports of National Focal Centres who participate in the Mapping Programme. This report, as well as earlier reports, are available on