E6Tensors: A Mathematica package for E6 Tensors

Abstract We present the Mathematica package E6Tensors , a tool for explicit tensor calculations in E 6 gauge theories. In addition to matrix expressions for the group generators of E 6 , it provides structure constants, various higher rank tensors and expressions for the representations 27 , 78 , 351 and 351 ′ . This paper comes along with a short manual including physically relevant examples. I further give a complete list of gauge invariant, renormalisable terms for superpotentials and Lagrangians. Program summary Program Title: E6Tensors Program Files doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.17632/tk3xtvsd7b.1 Licensing provisions: GNU GPLv3 Programming language: Wolfram Mathematica 8-10 Nature of problem: Group theoretic calculations for E 6 GUT Models. Solution method: Direct calculation via explicit expressions.