The mental representation of trait and autobiographical knowledge about the self

Contents: S.B. Klein, J. Loftus, The Mental Representation of Trait and Autobiographical Knowledge About the Self. F.S. Bellezza, Does "Perplexing" Describe the Self-Reference Effect? Yes! N.R. Brown, Response Times, Retrieval Strategies, and the Investigation of Autobiographical Memory. J.M. Keenan, An Exemplar Model Can Explain Klein and Loftus' Results. J.F. Kihlstrom, What Does the Self Look Like? C.G. Lord, The "Social Self" Component of Trait Knowledge About the Self. R.H. Maki, A.K. Carlson, Knowledge of the Self: Is It Special? K. Nelson, Developing Self-Knowledge from Autobiographical Memory. D.J. Schneider, H.L. Roediger, M. Khan, Diverse Ways of Accessing Self-Knowledge: Comment on Klein and Loftus. C. Sedikides, In Defense of Behavioral-Level Accessing and Use of Self-Knowledge. E. Tulving, Self-Knowledge of an Amnesic Individual is Represented Abstractly. J.D. Vorauer, M. Ross, Exploring the Nature and Implications of Functional Independence: Do Mental Representations of the Self Become Independent of Their Bases? S.B. Klein, J. Loftus, Some Lingering Self-Doubts: Reply to Commentaries.