Time Available for Field Work on Two Ohio Soils
ABSTRACT SIMULATIONS were conducted using DRAINMOD, simulation model, to estimate the days available for field work, compute an indicator of excess water and determine a relative corn yield index. Results are based on 62 simulations for two soils, three locations, several threshold soil water contents and numerous drainage systems. The number of days available for field work for the April through November period was found to vary widely depending on soil, weather location, drainage system and threshold soil water content for field operations. Data is reported on the specific conditions simulated. The relative corn yield index includes factors for excess water, deficit water and delayed planting. Simulations gave average relative yield indexes from 20 to 77 percent. The paper reports days available for field work and corn yield indexes for a number of specific conditions, but additional data for other poorly drained Ohio soils will be necessary to produce broad generalizations from the results..