The Feasibility of Emission Inventory Tools for Urban Areas in Less Developed Countries

The lack of knowledge of sources and amounts of air pollutant emissions is a major obstacle for the introduction of efficient control actions. Computerized software packages could serve as tools for establishing inventories of air pollutant emissions in data-poor environments, and for the transfer of know-how on the identification and evaluation of emission sources. The paper analyzes the feasibility of an computer-based tool to facilitate the estimate of emissions to the atmosphere, with particular reference to situations with incomplete information. The feasibility study shows that, in principle, the development of a software package to support local staff in estimating emissions is feasible. However, the envisaged system should take account of the following basic aspects, which seem of crucial importance for successful dissemination and use of the tool in developing countries: -- It is of utmost importance that the software be easy to use also by inexperienced persons. -- Provision of all necessary calculation routines, a user-friendly interface and the use of standard MS-DOS based computer hardware will be important elements for a successful dissemination of the tool. -- It is recommended that the source categories to be considered in the inventory should be based on existing emission inventory standards (such as the European CORINAIR system or the US-EPA accounting). These lists must be supplemented by activities important in developing countries (e.g open burning of wastes, etc.). -- Default emission factors should be taken from existing data bases (e.g. LEAP/EDB, CORINAIR, etc.), but their applicability for situations in developing countries be reviewed in an expert meeting. -- The inventory calculation routines should be supplemented by an expert system for providing alternative surrogate data and for interactive training. -- Routine uncertainty analysis should be incorporated. Such uncertainty analysis does not put an additional burden on the individual user of the emission inventory tool, but could greatly improve the accuracy of estimates by focusing attention on the most influential areas. -- There exists a trade-off between the efforts put into the development and refinement of the software package and the time the individual user will need to get acquainted with the system, and to successfully establish an emission estimate. It is strongly suggested to invest more into the development phase and obtain a package that can be easily applied to many cities. -- A rough estimate of the manpower efforts required to develop a comprehensive package which takes into account the aspects discussed in this paper is 34 person months of experts' work.