Accident Proneness: Research in the Occurrence, Causation, and Prevention of Road Accidents
This book is divided into two sections, one of some 418 pages on accident proneness, and the second consisting of 31 pages of new statistical techniques for the evaluation of the concept of accident proneness. It certainly is not easy to read. The reviewer pleads an ignorance which would prohibit a valid criticism of the "new statistical techniques" and must therefore assume, in fairness, that these are what they propose to be. For the serious student of the causes of automobile crashes, there may be some value in the first section as a reference source. One can find a real lead to the development of the entire section in the heading of the first chapter "Accident Proneness—Fact and Fiction." So many sides of so many arguments are presented in such profusion that about the time one feels that a particular hypothesis has been logically developed, he then becomes immediately aligned