Flexural properties of veneer-overlaid OSB composite panels from southern yellow pine

This study demonstrates the degree of improvement in flexural properties and dimensional stability of composite panels made with an oriented strandboard (OSB) core overlaid with veneer. Composite panel type A consisted of 7/16-inch-thick OSB overlaid with 1/8-inch-thick southern yellow pine veneers on both sides with the veneer grain parallel to the OSB face flake orientation. Composite panel type B was made with the same components as type A, except that the veneer grain orientation was perpendicular to the OSB face flake orientation. Results of the study indicate that flexural modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) values of composite B in the direction parallel to veneer grain are 96 and 117 percent higher, respectively, than MOE and MOR values of 23/32-inch-thick OSB. In the perpendicular direction to veneer grain, composite B MOE and MOR values are 8 and 38 percent higher, respectively, than corresponding MOE and MOR values of 23/32-inch-thick OSB. In composite B, the ratios of parallel-to-perpendicular veneer orientation properties are 4.5 for MOE and 3.2 for MOR.