A 100-g Laboratory Corn Wet-Milling Procedure

Cereal Chem. 73(1):54-57 A 100-g laboratory corn wet-milling procedure was developed in formed during the same week, and 0.60% when replicates were performed order to reduce sample size and labor time requirements for determining weekly during the course of a year. In a properly equipped laboratory, the milling characteristics of corn samples. The procedure gives starch the procedure can be performed at the rate of 40 samples per week using yields statistically similar to those of a 1-kg laboratory procedure with a three trained personnel. standard deviation in replicates of 0.36% when the replicates were perThe feasibility of corn wet-milling facilities processing specific hybrids of yellow dent corn rather than mixed hybrid commodity corn has been enhanced by the use of biotechnology and genetic engineering in corn hybrid development. Identification of better wet-milling hybrids has been limited, in part, by the slow speed of widely used analytical milling techniques. The milling quality of corn (millability) can be evaluated by using laboratory-scale milling procedures (Dimler et al 1944,