Pixel array detectors for time resolved radiography (invited)

Intense x-ray sources coupled with efficient, high-speed x-ray imagers are opening new possibilities of high-speed time resolved experiments. The silicon pixel array detector (PAD) is an extremely flexible technology which is currently being developed as a fast imager. We describe the architecture of the Cornell PAD, which is capable of operating with submicrosecond frame times. This 100×92 pixel prototype PAD consists of a pixelated silicon diode layer, for direct conversion of the x rays to charge carriers, and a corresponding pixellated complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor electronics layer, for processing and storage of the generated charge. Each pixel diode is solder bump bonded to its own pixel electronics consisting of a charge integration amplifier, an array of eight storage capacitors and an output amplifier. This architecture allows eight complete frames to be stored in rapid succession, with a minimum integration time of 150 ns per frame and an interframe deadtime of 600 ns. We describe the ...