Detection of the dynamics of odour emissions from pig farms using dynamic olfactometry and an electronic odour sensor.

The dynamics of odour emissions from a pig house was investigated by olfactometry and using an electronic odour sensor. In addition, several suggested influencing factors on the odour emission were measured to get insight into the reasons for the fluctuation of the odour emission. Odour emission tended to increase over the fattening period f rom August to November 2000 by a factor of two to three, although temperature and air-flow rate decreased according to the seasons. Feeding caused a significant temporary rise in animal activity, dust and odour concentration resulting in an increase of odour emission. The sensor signals of an electronic odour sensor increased simultaneously and showed a good relation to the odour concentration. There is a promising potential of electronic odour sensors to detect the dynamic and the level of odour concentrations. Further investigation will be done, to ensure a standardised measuring protocol and to obtain a calibration of electronic odour sensor signals direct to odour concentrations.