Shape Grammars: Five Questions
In the paper “Shape grammars: six types”, the issue of decidability in relation to shape grammars was introduced. Decidability concerns, first, the identification of different types of grammars, and, second, the answerability or solvability of questions about these types of grammars. The first of these two topics was explored in “Six types”. Six different types of shape grammars were defined in terms of different restrictions on rule format and rule ordering. The generative power, practicality, pedagogical value, and other characteristics of each type of shape grammars were discussed. In this paper, the second of the two topics in decidability is addressed. Five questions about the different types of shape grammars defined in “Six types” are posed. These questions are formulated for their practical value in design applications of shape grammars, as well as their theoretical interest. The answerability of each question is examined in detail for each type of shape grammar.