Round Heart Disease of the Domestic Fowl (Gallus gallus) in Bulgaria

Clinical and pathologic methods and attempts at transmission were employed to study so-called round heart disease of the domestic fowl. These studies indicate that the disease is noninfectious. The use of old litter in poultry houses contributed to the appearance of the disease but was not the sole etiologic factor. Zinc-plated feeders were not involved. The disease could not be reproduced by inoculation or feeding of affected material. Treatment of affected fowl with selenium dioxide was ineffective. Fatty and vacuolar degeneration of the myocardium and severe renal necrosis occurred. The disease is attributed to toxic injury. Its mechanism and the factors that condition it remain unknown. Klinische und pathologische Untersuchungsmethoden sowie Übertragungsversuche wurden zur Untersuchung der sogenannten «Kugelherz» Krankheit vom Haushuhn verwendet.