Comparison between DSM and DTM from photogrammetric UAV in Ngantru Hemlet, Sekaran Village, Bojonegoro East Java

Land surface consists of land, water and vegetations/settlements. Digital terrain model (DTM) is an assumption of land surface without vegetations/settlements, while digital surface model (DSM) shows the whole existing objects within the topography. The objective of this study was to compare between DSM and DTM results within several ground check spots in Ngantru Hemlet. The research was carried out in several stages, i.e. preparation, determination of benchmarks (BM) (based on point BM of Geospatial Agency of Indonesia /BIG at Cepu East Java), determination of several ground control points (GCPs), acquiring aerial photographs in Ngantru Hamlet, and processing the aerial photo data. Existing data retrieval points in the area included locations without surface object and locations with such objects. The analysis showed a comparison of the results of aerial photo analysis with several existing observation locations.