Recent Work on GLS: a Location Service for an Ad Hoc Network

ABSTRACT The Grid Lo ation Servi e (GLS) is a lo ation servi e whi h provides lo ation information for a node in a mobile ad ho network. A mobile ad ho network (MANET) is an autonomous system of mobile routers (and asso iated hosts) onne ted by wireless links{the union of whi h form an arbitrary graph. The routers are free to move randomly and organize themselves arbitrarily; thus, the network's wireless topology may hange rapidly and unpredi tably. GLS provides a me hanism for a node to tra k the lo ation of other nodes in the network topology. When ombined with geographi -based routing proto ols, the authors of GLS onlude that it will perform well in a very large mobile ad ho network. Sin e the results of GLS look promising, further study of GLS is warranted. Spe i ally, GLS needs to be ompared with other lo ation servi es and in orporated into a geographi -based routing proto ol. In addition to providing an overview of the GLS proto ol, this paper reports on our rst step toward meeting these goals.