The mechanical properties of solid polymers

Several aspects of the mechanical properties of polymers are discussed. These include linear and non-linear viscoelastic behaviour, anisotropy, rubber-like elasticity, breaking and cold drawing.

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[13]  Kurt H. Meyer,et al.  The Elasticity of Rubber , 1935 .

[14]  K. Meyer,et al.  Sur l'élasticité du caoutchouc , 1935 .

[15]  H. Eyring Viscosity, Plasticity, and Diffusion as Examples of Absolute Reaction Rates , 1936 .

[16]  W. Kuhn,et al.  Beziehungen zwischen Molekülgröße, statistischer Molekülgestalt und elastischen Eigenschaften hochpolymerer Stoffe , 1936 .

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[19]  M. Mooney A Theory of Large Elastic Deformation , 1940 .

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[24]  Herbert Leaderman,et al.  Elastic and creep properties of filamentous materials and other high polymers , 1943 .

[25]  P. Nutting A general stress-strain-time formula , 1943 .

[26]  Hubert M. James,et al.  Theory of the Elastic Properties of Rubber , 1943 .

[27]  L. Treloar,et al.  Stress-strain data for vulcanised rubber under various types of deformation , 1944 .

[28]  Paul Doty,et al.  The Methods of Specifying the Properties of Viscoelastic Materials , 1945 .

[29]  A. Tobolsky,et al.  Systems Manifesting Superposed Elastic and Viscous Behavior , 1945 .

[30]  P. Flory Tensile Strength in Relation to Molecular Weight of High Polymers , 1945 .

[31]  R. Sack Extension of Griffith's theory of rupture to three dimensions , 1946 .

[32]  G. Gee The interaction between rubber and liquids. IX. The elastic behaviour of dry and swollen rubbers , 1946 .

[33]  Paul J. Flory,et al.  Effects of Molecular Structure on Physical Properties of Butyl Rubber. , 1946 .

[34]  H. Eyring,et al.  Mechanical Properties of Textiles , 1946 .

[35]  The Theory of Permanent Set at Elevated Temperatures in Natural and Synthetic Rubber Vulcanizates , 1946 .

[36]  L. Treloar The statistical length of long-chain molecules , 1946 .

[37]  E. Guth,et al.  Significance of the Equation of State for Rubber , 1946 .

[38]  H. James,et al.  Theory of the Increase in Rigidity of Rubber during Cure , 1947 .

[39]  H. Elliott An analysis of the conditions for rupture due to griffith cracks , 1947 .

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[46]  P. Flory,et al.  Dependence of tensile strength of vulcanized rubber on degree of cross‐linking , 1949 .

[47]  H. Kolsky,et al.  An Investigation of the Dynamic Elastic Properties of Some High Polymers , 1949 .

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[52]  K. Hillier A Method of Measuring some Dynamic Elastic Constants and its Application to the Study of High Polymers , 1949 .

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[54]  J. C. Smith,et al.  Dynamic Measurements of Polymer Physical Properties , 1949 .

[55]  D. J. Montgomery,et al.  The physics of rubber elasticity , 1949 .

[56]  Raymond M. Fuoss,et al.  Theory of dielectrics. , 1949 .

[57]  P. Flory,et al.  Second‐Order Transition Temperatures and Related Properties of Polystyrene. I. Influence of Molecular Weight , 1950 .

[58]  J. Ferry Mechanical Properties of Substances of High Molecular Weight. VI. Dispersion in Concentrated Polymer Solutions and its Dependence on Temperature and Concentration , 1950 .

[59]  A. Nádai Theory of flow and fracture of solids , 1950 .

[60]  Arthur K. Doolittle,et al.  Studies in Newtonian Flow. II. The Dependence of the Viscosity of Liquids on Free‐Space , 1951 .

[61]  R. Blizard Visco‐Elasticity of Rubber , 1951 .

[62]  R. Hill,et al.  XLVI. A theory of the plastic distortion of a polycrystalline aggregate under combined stresses. , 1951 .

[63]  D. W. Saunders,et al.  Large elastic deformations of isotropic materials VII. Experiments on the deformation of rubber , 1951, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[64]  M. Platt,et al.  Mechanics of Elastic Performance of Textile Materials , 1951 .

[65]  H. Kolsky,et al.  Stress Birefringence in Polyethylene , 1951 .

[66]  R. Horsley,et al.  The stretching and relaxing of polyethylene , 1951 .

[67]  F. Bueche,et al.  Viscosity, Self‐Diffusion, and Allied Effects in Solid Polymers , 1952 .

[68]  Weitere Versuche und Betrachtungen zur Kaltverstreckung , 1952 .

[69]  M. Wang,et al.  Statistical Theory of Networks of Non‐Gaussian Flexible Chains , 1952 .

[70]  H. L. Cox The elasticity and strength of paper and other fibrous materials , 1952 .

[71]  Studies in Newtonian Flow. IV. Viscosity vs Molecular Weight in Liquids; Viscosity vs Concentration in Polymer Solutions , 1952 .

[72]  Arthur K. Doolittle,et al.  Studies in Newtonian Flow. III. The Dependence of the Viscosity of Liquids on Molecular Weight and Free Space (in Homologous Series) , 1952 .

[73]  H A Stuart,et al.  DIE PHYSIK DER HOCHPOLYMEREN.. , 1952 .

[74]  R. Truell,et al.  The Measurement of Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids by the Pulse Technique and Some Results in Steel , 1952 .

[75]  A. Tobolsky,et al.  The viscoelastic behavior of polymethyl methacrylate , 1952 .

[76]  P. E. Rouse A Theory of the Linear Viscoelastic Properties of Dilute Solutions of Coiling Polymers , 1953 .

[77]  Edwin R. Fitzgerald,et al.  Dynamic Mechanical Properties of Polyisobutylene , 1953 .

[78]  N. Mott LXXVIII. A theory of work-hardening of metals II: Flow without slip-lines, recovery and creep , 1953 .

[79]  F. Bueche Segmental Mobility of Polymers Near Their Glass Temperature , 1953 .

[80]  S. M. Crawford An Optical Method of Observing Stress Relaxation in Transparent Solids , 1953 .

[81]  R. Rivlin,et al.  Rupture of rubber. I. Characteristic energy for tearing , 1953 .

[82]  R. Rivlin,et al.  Departures of the Elastic Behaviour of Rubbers in Simple Extension from the Kinetic Theory , 1953 .

[83]  F. Bueche The Viscoelastic Properties of Plastics , 1954 .

[84]  水島 三一郎 Structure of molecules and internal rotation , 1954 .

[85]  F. C. Roesler,et al.  Determination of Relaxation Spectra from Damping Measurements , 1954 .

[86]  I. Marshall,et al.  The cold drawing of high polymers , 1954, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[87]  M. Musgrave On the propagation of elastic waves in aeolotropic media I. General principles , 1954, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[88]  F. H. Müller,et al.  Über die Temperaturüberhöhung in der Fließzone während der Kaltverstreckung , 1954 .

[89]  über die Temperaturerhöhung in der Flie\zone wÄhrend der Kaltverstreckung (Anwendung von Leuchtstoffen zur Temperaturmessung) , 1954 .

[90]  J. Benbow The Dynamic Mechanical Properties of some Organic Glasses , 1954 .

[91]  H. Sack,et al.  The Dynamic Bulk Viscosity of Polyisobutylene , 1954 .

[92]  H. Leaderman Approximations in Linear Viscoelasticity Theory: Delta Function Approximations , 1954 .

[93]  T. G. Fox,et al.  Influence of molecular weight and degree of crosslinking on the specific volume and glass temperature of polymers , 1955 .

[94]  R. Landel,et al.  The Temperature Dependence of Relaxation Mechanisms in Amorphous Polymers and Other Glass-Forming Liquids , 1955 .

[95]  Vibroscope Measurements of the Elastic Moduli of Nylon 66 and Dacron Filaments of Various Draw Ratios , 1955 .

[96]  Some Applications of Fourier Series in the Numerical Treatment of Linear Behaviour , 1955 .

[97]  W. Findley,et al.  Application of the Superposition Principle and Theories of Mechanical Equation of State, Strain, and Time Hardening to Creep of Plastics under Changing Loads , 1955 .

[98]  G. R. Taylor,et al.  The tensile strength of elastomers , 1955 .

[99]  A. Thomas,et al.  Rupture of rubber. II. The strain concentration at an incision , 1955 .

[100]  H. Eyring,et al.  A GENERALIZED THEORY OF PLASTICITY INVOLVING THE VIRIAL THEOREM. , 1955, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[101]  Viscoelastic Properties of Crystalline Polymers: Polytrifluorochloroethylene. , 1955 .

[102]  F. Bueche Tensile Strength of Plastics above the Glass Temperature , 1955 .

[103]  F. C. Roesler,et al.  An Iteration Method for the Determination of Relaxation Spectra , 1955 .

[104]  En-Jui Lee,et al.  Stress analysis in visco-elastic bodies , 1955 .

[105]  J. Ferry,et al.  Mathematical Structure of the Theories of Viscoelasticity , 1955 .

[106]  J. Ferry,et al.  Dynamic mechanical properties of polymethyl acrylate , 1955 .

[107]  A. Thomas,et al.  Rupture of Rubber. III. Determination of Tear Properties , 1955 .

[108]  Viscoelastic properties of crystalline polymers: Polyethylene , 1956 .

[109]  B. Zimm Dynamics of Polymer Molecules in Dilute Solution: Viscoelasticity, Flow Birefringence and Dielectric Loss , 1956 .

[110]  F. C. Champion Some physical properties of diamonds , 1956 .

[111]  A. Bueche,et al.  Kinematographic Study of Tensile Fracture in Polymers , 1956 .

[112]  B. Gross Ladder structures for representation of viscoelastic systems. II , 1956 .

[113]  The Determination of Dynamic Moduli and Internal Friction of High Polymers from Creep Measurements , 1956 .

[114]  F. Bueche Viscosity of Polymers in Concentrated Solution , 1956 .

[115]  F. C. Roesler,et al.  Brittle Fractures near Equilibrium , 1956 .

[116]  D. Woods,et al.  The transitions of polyethylene terephthalate , 1956 .

[117]  H. Kolsky,et al.  LXXI. The propagation of stress pulses in viscoelastic solids , 1956 .

[118]  W. F. Watson,et al.  Cross-link formation in stretched rubber networks , 1956 .

[119]  J. Benbow,et al.  Experiments on Controlled Fractures , 1957 .

[120]  K. E. Holde A study of the creep of nitrocellulose , 1957 .

[121]  Behavior of “Pure Gum” Rubber Vulcanizates in Tension , 1957 .

[122]  J. D. Eshelby The determination of the elastic field of an ellipsoidal inclusion, and related problems , 1957, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.


[124]  R. S. Rivlin,et al.  The mechanics of non-linear materials with memory , 1957 .

[125]  A. Willbourn The glass transition in polymers with the (CH2)n group , 1958 .

[126]  A. Ruoff,et al.  A Method of Measuring Poisson's Ratio of Fibers1 , 1958 .

[127]  W. Lyons Theoretical Values of the Dynamic Stretch Moduli of Fiber‐Forming Polymers , 1958 .

[128]  J. H. Gibbs,et al.  Nature of the Glass Transition and the Glassy State , 1958 .

[129]  D. C. Hookway THE COLD-DRAWING OF NYLON 6.6 , 1958 .

[130]  F. Bueche Tensile strength of filled GR-S vulcanizates , 1958 .

[131]  I. Ward,et al.  The assignment of infra-red absorptions and rotational isomerism in polyethylene terephthalate and related compounds , 1958 .

[132]  Bryce Maxwell,et al.  Response of linear high polymers to hydrostatic pressure , 1958 .

[133]  T. L. Smith Dependence of the ultimate properties of a GR‐S rubber on strain rate and temperature , 1958 .

[134]  J. S. Lazurkin Cold‐drawing of glass‐like and crystalline polymers , 1958 .

[135]  W. F. Watson,et al.  The interpretation of stress-relaxation measurements made on rubber during ageing , 1958 .

[136]  J. E. Dorn,et al.  Anelastic creep of polymethyl methacrylate , 1958 .

[137]  W. J. Dulmage,et al.  A study of the elastic modulus and extensibility of the crystalline regions in highly oriented polymers , 1958 .

[138]  A. Kovacs La contraction isotherme du volume des polymères amorphes , 1958 .

[139]  J. H. Gibbs,et al.  Chain Stiffness and the Lattice Theory of Polymer Phases , 1958 .

[140]  The correlation of internal friction and chemical structure in organic glasses , 1958 .


[142]  P. Flory,et al.  Influence of bond angle restrictions on polymer elasticity , 1959 .

[143]  Harkrishan Singh,et al.  Pressure Dependence of the Viscoelastic Behavior of Polyisobutylene , 1959 .

[144]  David Turnbull,et al.  Molecular Transport in Liquids and Glasses , 1959 .

[145]  P. Flory,et al.  Stress-Strain Isotherm for Polymer Networks , 1959 .

[146]  A. B. Thompson Strain‐induced crystallization in polyethylene terephthalate , 1959 .

[147]  C. Cannon,et al.  Effect of temperature and moisture content on the orientation produced by the drawing of nylon 66 , 1959 .

[148]  Joseph A. Faucher,et al.  Viscoelastic Behavior of Polyethylene and Polypropylene , 1959 .

[149]  O. Nakada Theory of Non-linear Responses , 1960 .

[150]  K. M. Sinnott Nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular motion in polymethyl acrylate, polymethyl methacrylate, and polyethyl methacrylate , 1960 .

[151]  H. W. Greensmith Rupture of rubber. VII. Effect of rate of extension in tensile tests , 1960 .

[152]  P. Vincent The tough-brittle transition in thermoplastics , 1960 .

[153]  J. G. Powles,et al.  The study of polymeric materials by nuclear magnetic resonance , 1960 .

[154]  M. Vaughan Fractionation of Polystyrene by Gel Filtration , 1960, Nature.

[155]  W. Moseley The measurement of molecular orientation in fibers by acoustic methods , 1960 .

[156]  J. Sauer,et al.  Transitions in Polymers by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Dynamic Mechanical Methods , 1960 .

[157]  H. W. Greensmith Rupture of rubber. VIII. Comparisons of tear and tensile rupture measurements , 1960 .

[158]  L. Treloar Calculations of elastic moduli of polymer crystals: II. Terylene , 1960 .

[159]  P. Flory Elasticity of polymer networks cross-linked in states of strain , 1960 .

[160]  R. Marvin,et al.  The Dynamic Compressibility of a Rubber‐Sulfur Vulcanizate and Its Relation to Free Volume , 1960 .

[161]  Von K.-H. Illers Der einfluß von wasser auf die molekularen beweglichkeiten von polyamiden , 1960 .

[162]  K. Nagamatsu On the viscoelastic properties of crystalline high polymers , 1960 .

[163]  Mechanical anisotropy in drawn films of regenerated cellulose , 1960 .

[164]  P. Vincent The necking and cold-drawing of rigid plastics , 1960 .

[165]  T. L. Smith,et al.  Time and Temperature Dependence of the Ultimate Properties of an SBR Rubber at Constant Elongations , 1960 .

[166]  Stress as a Reduced Variable: Stress Relaxation of SBR Rubber at Large Strains , 1960 .

[167]  A. S. Lodge The isotropy of Gaussian molecular networks and the stress-birefringence relations for rubberlike materials cross-linked in stressed states , 1960 .

[168]  D. S. Dugdale Yielding of steel sheets containing slits , 1960 .

[169]  L. Treloar Calculations of elastic moduli of polymer crystals: I. Polyethylene and nylon 66 , 1960 .

[170]  L. Treloar Calculations of elastic moduli of polymer crystals: III. Cellulose , 1960 .

[171]  D. Plazek Dynamic mechanical and creep properties of a 23% cellulose nitrate solution; Andrade creep in polymeric systems , 1960 .

[172]  I. Ward Nuclear magnetic resonance studies of polyethylene terephthalate and related polyesters , 1960 .

[173]  P. Flory,et al.  The thermodynamic analysis of thermoelastic measurements on high elastic materials , 1960 .

[174]  N. Svensson The Variation of the Fracture Energy of Brittle Plastics with Temperature , 1961 .

[175]  J. Benbow Stable Crack Propagation in Plastics , 1961 .

[176]  J. P. Berry Fracture processes in polymeric materials. II. The tensile strength of polystyrene , 1961 .

[177]  I. Ward The Molecular Structure and Mechanical Properties of Polyethylene Terephthalate Fibers , 1961 .

[178]  J. P. Berry Fracture processes in polymeric materials. I. The surface energy of poly(methyl methacrylate) , 1961 .

[179]  M. Huggins Viscoelastic Properties of Polymers. , 1961 .

[180]  P. Flory,et al.  Stress-Temperature Coefficients of Polymer Networks and the Conformational Energy of Polymer Chains1 , 1961 .

[181]  A. Ciferri On the tension-temperature-coefficient of natural rubber , 1961 .

[182]  A. Ciferri Conformational energy of chain molecules. Part 1.—Tension-temperature coefficient for polydimethylsiloxane networks , 1961 .

[183]  D. W. Saunders,et al.  The Anisotropy of Young's Modulus in Drawn Polyethylene , 1961 .

[184]  J. Ferry,et al.  Viscoelastic dispersion of polydimethyl siloxane in the rubberlike plateau zone , 1961 .

[185]  A. Ciferri Present status of the rubber elasticity theory , 1961 .

[186]  J. Scanlan Cross-link breakdown and re-formation in strained polymer networks , 1961 .

[187]  I. Ward Optical and Mechanical Anisotropy in Crystalline Polymers , 1962 .

[188]  Herbert Leaderman Large longitudinal retarded elastic deformation of rubberlike network polymers , 1962 .

[189]  Nonlinear Viscoelastic Response of Amorphous Elastomers to Constant Strain Rates , 1962 .

[190]  W. R. Krigbaum,et al.  Cubic Lattice Model Chain , 1962 .

[191]  Ichiro Sakurada,et al.  Experimental determination of the elastic modulus of crystalline regions in oriented polymers , 1962 .

[192]  R. Roe,et al.  The contribution of internal energy to the elastic force of natural rubber , 1962 .

[193]  J. M. O'Reilly,et al.  The effect of pressure on glass temperature and dielectric relaxation time of polyvinyl acetate , 1962 .

[194]  T. Schatzki Statistical computation of distribution functions of dimensions of macromolecules , 1962 .

[195]  H. Oser,et al.  A model for the viscoelastic behavior of rubberlike polymers including entanglement effects , 1962 .

[196]  H. M. Morgan Correlation of Molecular Orientation Measurements in Fibers by Optical Birefringence and Pulse Velocity Methods , 1962 .

[197]  J. E. Adkins,et al.  Large elastic deformations and non-linear continuum mechanics , 1962 .

[198]  S. Matsuoka,et al.  The effect of pressure and temperature on the specific volume of polyethylene , 1962 .

[199]  J. P. Berry Fracture Processes in Polymeric Materials. III. Topography of Fracture Surfaces of Poly(methyl Methacrylate) , 1962 .

[200]  G. Raumann The Anisotropy of the Shear Moduli of Drawn Polyethylene , 1962 .

[201]  Upper limit of the shear modulus calculated from the rouse theory , 1962 .

[202]  Large Longitudinal Retarded Elastic Deformation of Rubberlike Network Polymers. II. Application of a General Formulation of Nonlinear Response , 1963 .

[203]  John E. McKinney,et al.  Dynamic Compressibility of Poly (Vinyl Acetate) and Its Relation to Free Volume , 1963, Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. Section A, Physics and chemistry.

[204]  P. R. Pinnock,et al.  Dynamic Mechanical Measurements on Polyethylene Terephthalate , 1963 .

[205]  P. C. Paris,et al.  A Critical Analysis of Crack Propagation Laws , 1963 .

[206]  Contribution of the internal energy to the retractive force of vulcanized cis-1,4 polybutadiene† , 1963 .

[207]  G. Raumann The anisotropy of the elastic constants of transversely isotropic polyethylene terephthalate , 1963 .

[208]  M. Takayanagi Viscoelastic properties of crystalline polymers. , 1963 .

[209]  H. W. Greensmith Rupture of rubber. X. The change in stored energy on making a small cut in a test piece held in simple extension , 1963 .

[210]  K. Illers,et al.  Molecular motions in polyethylene terephthalate , 1963 .

[211]  G. Allen,et al.  Thermodynamics of elasticity of natural rubber , 1964 .

[212]  T. G. Rogers,et al.  Asymmetric relaxation and compliance matrices in linear viscoelasticity , 1963 .

[213]  J. D. Ferry,et al.  Viskoelastische Eigenschaften von Polyisobutylenen in verdünnten Lösungen , 1963 .

[214]  R. E. Robertson On the cold‐drawing of plastics , 1963 .

[215]  B. Bernstein,et al.  A Study of Stress Relaxation with Finite Strain , 1963 .

[216]  J. P. Berry Determination of Fracture Surface Energies by the Cleavage Technique , 1963 .


[218]  I. Ward,et al.  Non-linear mechanical behaviour of oriented polypropylene , 1963 .

[219]  R. F. Boyer The Relation of Transition Temperatures to Chemical Structure in High Polymers , 1963 .

[220]  J. Hennig Anisotropie des dynamischen Elastizitätsmoduls in einachsig verstreckten amorphen Hochpolymeren , 1964 .

[221]  P. H. Geil Polymer deformation. III. Annealing of drawn polyethylene single crystals and fibers , 1964 .

[222]  A. J. Matheson,et al.  The viscoelastic properties of polystyrene solutions , 1964, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[223]  J. P. Berry Fracture processes in polymeric materials. V. Dependence of the ultimate properties of poly(methyl methacrylate) on molecular weight , 1964 .

[224]  The Correlation of Molecular Orientation Parameters Derived from Optical Birefringence and Sonic Velocity Methods , 1964 .

[225]  R. Kambour Structure and properties of crazes in polycarbonate and other glassy polymers , 1964 .

[226]  E. Dill,et al.  Theory of Elasticity of an Anisotropic Elastic Body , 1964 .

[227]  E. Papadakis Ultrasonic Attenuation and Velocity in Three Transformation Products in Steel , 1963 .

[228]  Anisotropy of Oriented Polymers , 1964 .

[229]  J. Halpin Fracture of Amorphous Polymeric Solids: Time to Break , 1964 .

[230]  P. R. Pinnock,et al.  Mechanical and optical anisotropy in polyethylene terephthalate fibres , 1964 .

[231]  P. L. Pratt,et al.  Stress Relaxation and the Plastic Deformation of Solids , 1964 .

[232]  N. G. Mccrum,et al.  On the measurement of the activation energies for creep and stress relaxation , 1964, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[233]  J. C. Halpin,et al.  Molecular Theory for the Tensile Strength of Gum Elastomers , 1964 .

[234]  A. Cottrell,et al.  Strong solids , 1964, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[235]  J. R. Beatty Fatigue of Rubber , 1964 .

[236]  The true breaking stress of thermoplastics , 1964, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[237]  J. G. Powles,et al.  Proton spin lattice relaxation and mechanical loss in a series of acrylic polymers , 1964 .

[238]  Dilatometric evidence of a transition in polybutadienes with various 1,4‐cis contents , 1964 .

[239]  I. Ward The temperature dependence of extensional creep in polyethylene terephthalate , 1964 .

[240]  Non‐equilibrium effects in the stress‐strain behavior of rubbers for the explanation of deviations from rubber elasticity theory , 1964 .

[241]  Graham Williams Complex dielectric constant of dipolar compounds as a function of temperature, pressure and frequency. Part 2.—The α–relaxation of polymethyl acrylate , 1964 .

[242]  J. C. Moore,et al.  Gel permeation chromatography. I. A new method for molecular weight distribution of high polymers , 1964 .

[243]  F. P. Bowden,et al.  The brittle fracture of solids by liquid impact, by solid impact, and by shock , 1964, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[244]  Some elastic moduli of bisphenol A polycarbonate , 1964 .

[245]  F. J. Lockett Creep and stress-relaxation experiments for non-linear materials , 1965 .

[246]  F. C. Thompson,et al.  Mechanical Properties of Matter , 1965, Nature.

[247]  A. Schallamach,et al.  Dynamic behaviour of rubber during moderate extensions , 1965 .

[248]  C. Bucknall,et al.  Stress-whitening in high-impact polystyrenes , 1965 .

[249]  I. Ward,et al.  The transverse compression of anisotropic fibre monofilaments , 1965, Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A. Mathematical and Physical Sciences.

[250]  S. Newman,et al.  Stress-Strain Behavior of Rubber-Reinforced Glassy Polymers , 1965 .

[251]  J. H. Schachtschneider,et al.  A valence force field for saturated hydrocarbons , 1965 .

[252]  G. Adam,et al.  On the Temperature Dependence of Cooperative Relaxation Properties in Glass‐Forming Liquids , 1965 .

[253]  R. E. Robertson Polymer Order and Polymer Density , 1965 .

[254]  S. B. Ainbinder,et al.  Effect of hydrostatic pressure on mechanical properties of plastics , 1965 .

[255]  T. Craft,et al.  Correlation of Large Longitudinal Deformations With Different Strain Histories. , 1965, Journal of research of the National Bureau of Standards. Section A, Physics and chemistry.

[256]  I. Ward,et al.  Non-linear creep and recovery behaviour of polypropylene fibres , 1965 .

[257]  A. Keller,et al.  Polymer deformation in terms of spherulites , 1965 .

[258]  J. Roetling Yield stress behaviour of polymethylmethacrylate , 1965 .

[259]  P. R. Pinnock,et al.  Mechanical and optical anisotropy in polypropylene fibres , 1966 .

[260]  A. Keller,et al.  A study on orientation effects in polyethylene in the light of crystalline texture , 1966 .

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