Acoustical Treatment for Indoor Areas

The field of room acoustics divides easily into two broad categories; noise control and subjective acoustics. These two branches of acoustics actually have rather little in common. Noise control, to a great extent, must be designed into a project. It is very difficult, if not impossible to retroactively improve the isolation of a room. However, it is often possible to change the way a room sounds subjectively by simply modifying the wall treatment. It is important to keep in mind that noise is a subjective categorization. Sound pressure, sound intensity, and sound transmission can all be measured. Noise is unwanted sound. It is much more difficult to measure and quantify the extent to which any given sound annoys any given individual. To the Harley rider driving his Fat Boy™ past your studio, the exhaust is music to his ears but noise to you. Your music is noise to the therapist trying to conduct a session of a very different sort next door. The music in studio A is noise to the band trying to record in studio B down the hall.