Customer response to interruptible and curtailable rates: Volume 1, Methodology and results: Final report

Interruptible or curtailable (I/C) service, one of the fastest growing utility programs, provides the utility with both an innovative rate alternative as well as a demand side management tool. This project examines existing (I/C) programs with the objective of providing information that will enable utilities to plan for future I/C programs. First, the report summarizes the rate and customer characteristics of I/C programs at ten utilities. Second, the report presents a regression technique that can be used to assess load relief provided by customers on I/C rates. The report demonstrates the technique by assessing load relief for each of the ten utilities. Tests of the regression technique showed it to be significantly more accurate than other procedures that are sometimes used. Utilities can implement the regression technique using standard statistical software in conjunction with the RELIEF software that was developed as part of this project. Finally the project examined those customer and program factors that influence load relief. Important customer factors were type of industry and load factor. Important program characteristics were number of interruptions, length of size of credit. 12 refs., 44 figs., 35 tabs.