Incidence of Parasites in Some Fresh Water Fish Species Inoyo Town Oyo State, Nigeria: A Threat to National Food Security.

Incidence of parasites in fresh water fish in Oyo was investigated in 2014. a total of 617 freshwater fishes comprising of 181 (29.3%) 211(34.2%) and 225 (36.5%) of Tilapa zilli, Clarias anguillaris and Clarias gariepinus respectively were purchased alive from fresh fish sellers in Erelu water reservoir, Asipa river and some cultured ponds in Oyo town, these were examined for helminth parasite. Out of these 386(62%, C.I=.580.68) were infected. Cuculanus species (a nematode) accounted for the highest prevalence 249 (40.4%, C.I=0.35-0.45) in the fish species examined. There were significant differences in the occurrence of Monobothrium (F=1,29;P 0.05). The fish species examined could have suffered malnutrition due to parasitic infections. This condition may result to devaluation in protein content in the body of the fish which may be a threat to the national food security. Invariably, protein deficiency impairs normal metabolism of the liver particularly in man. Therefore the infected fish can transmit diseases to man,resulting to poor public health. This study is of the opinion that, proper study into the life cycle of these parasites, will help in the control measures that can enhance good quality and quantity of fish in Oyo town and in Nigeria as an entity.