SimplifiedAir-conditioning for telecommunicatio n switches
The present paperdescribes an original air conditioning methodwithout usingactive cooling unitsfor telecommunication switching rooms. Theprinciple ofsimplified air-conditioning consists inusing exclusively theexternal airfor cooling theswitching rooms. Byusing thethermal inertia ofthe building andbydeveloping anoriginal regulation, itispossible tolimit theeffects oftheexternal variations oftemperature. Standard climatic limits havebeenmaintained duringthe experimentation. Withthis method, itispossible toreduce the energy consumption ofairconditioning without degrading the quality ofservice according tothepolicy ofFranceTelecom regarding sustainable development. 1 4~~~~~ t t # I- I- -I1 -I -! l 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 10 Relative Humidity(%) ~~~~~~~~~~~~hot air n
[1] Patrick A. Gillan. Fresh air: Natural asset , 2002 .