A Semi-Subterranean Etruscan Building in the Casale Pian Roseto (Veii) area

In May 1965 the construction of a private race-track at Casale Pian Roseto, a property belonging to Sig. O. Baldi on the Via di S. Cornelia about 1·5 km. north of the ancient city of Veii, led to the discovery of a remarkable semi-subterranean building of the Etruscan period. The mechanical excavator had removed the south-east corner of this building exposing its massive filling of building blocks, tiles and broken pottery. The Superintendent of Antiquities, Doctor Mario Moretti, on being informed of the discovery by the local custodians, ordered the suspension of the work in the area concerned and entrusted me with this interesting problem. For this I wish to express once more my warmest thanks to Doctor Moretti. The material was recovered, under the direct supervision of the Assistente of the Superintendency, Sign. A. D'Amico, and myself, by the volunteer labour of the young members of the Gruppo Archeologico Romano, to whose enthusiasm and hard work I am deeply indebted. In addition the Director of the British School at Rome, Mr. J. B. Ward-Perkins put at my disposal the technical assistance of Mrs. L. Murray Threipland, helped by Miss Mary Ann Meagher and Miss Thora Fisker, who collaborated in the work of excavation and prepared the sections. To all these I wish to express my indebtedness.