We describe a knowledge server that permits Web users to retrieve and add knowledge in a shared knowledge base. The following features distinguish WebKB-2 from other ontology servers or KBMSs: (i) the ontology is large (at present, 69,000 categories and 87,800 links mostly coming form WordNet) and extendible at any time by any user, (ii) asynchronous cooperation between users is supported and encouraged (users are encouraged to reuse, complement or correct the knowledge of other users but do not have to agree with each other and may add new names to categories) while the knowledge base is kept unique to maximize knowledge interconnection, retrieval and inconsistency detection, (iii) the proposed knowledge representation lauguages are designed to be both expressive and readable to permit and encourage the users to enter all the knowledge they want (though that still requires motivation).
WebKB-2 is ultimately intended to permit cooperatively-built Yellow-Page like catalogs, that is, permit Web users to publish their information in a way that is automatically retrievable and comparable with other user' knowledge (as opposed to publishing information in plain text documents (as opposed to publishing information in plain text doucments or even RDF documents). For example, database developpers or car dealers could describe and compare their products in precise way, supporting precise queries.
Philippe Martin,et al.
Embedding Knowledge in Web Documents: CGs versus XML-based Metadata Languages
Peter W. Eklund,et al.
Algorithms for Creating Relational Power Context Families from Conceptual Graphs
Philippe Martin,et al.
Conventions and Notations for Knowledge Representation and Retrieval
Nicola Guarino,et al.
OntoSeek: content-based access to the Web
IEEE Intell. Syst..
Philippe Martin.
The WebKB Set of Tools: A Common Scheme for Shared WWW Annotations, Shared Knowledge Bases and Information Retrieval
Philippe Martin,et al.
Conventions for Knowledge Representation via RDF