Semianalytic Satellite Theory (SST): Mathematical Algorithms

Abstract : Modern space surveillance requires fast and accurate orbit predictions for myriads of objects in a broad range of Earth orbits. Conventional Special Perturbations orbit propagators, based on numerical integration of the osculating equations of motion, are accurate but extremely slow. Conventional General Perturbations orbit propagators, based on fully analytical theories like those of Brouwer, are faster but contain large errors due to inherent approximations in the theories. New orbit generators based on Semianalytic Satellite Theory have been able to approach the accuracy of Special Perturbations propagators and the speed of General Perturbations propagators. Semianalytic Satellite Theory has been originated by P.J. Cefola and his colleagues, but the theory is scattered throughout the published and unpublished literature. In this document the theory is simplified, assembled, unified, and extended.