Development of Design Guidelines for Metal Additive Manufacturing and Process Selection
Producing parts using metal additive manufacturing
(AM) allows for creativity and flexibility while minimizing waste
material that comes with traditional subtracting manufacturing
techniques. However, in order utilize these AM capabilities,
designers need to be aware of how the AM process impacts design and
feasibility of manufacturing. These AM capabilities include
different build materials, where each material has different
capabilities for producing part features. Some metal AM
capabilities also include being able to build a part with multiple
materials, and complex geometries such as lattices and interior
structures. Designing for these technologies requires all of this
knowledge of metal AM capabilities and limitations. Since there are
different types of metal AM processes, each with different
capabilities, it can be a challenge to sort through all of this
information and determine how to design a part and select a
process. This thesis introduces a method to help designers learn
how to design for metal AM processes and select which machine(s) to
use to produce parts. In order to generate a series of design
guidelines for metal AM, multiple AM machines are analyzed for
their capabilities. These capabilities are captured as different
geometric features and their limitations. Rules for how to design
for metal AM are then built upon those features by assigning values
to the features for different metal AM machines and organizing them
into descriptive categories. An AM process selection tool is then
created, with Exsys Corvid expert system software, by using the
design guidelines to develop questions to ask a design about their
part, which in turn feeds back any changes that need to be made.
The input, outputs, and logic of the tool are addressed. Example
parts are analyzed by the program to ensure the success in the
creation of design feedback to assist in successfully designing a
part for a metal AM process.