Posturography in vestibular work-up of the patient. A review.
In order to obtain a complete functional balance in the patient suffering from vestibular disorders it is necessary to examine the spinal reflexes. Computerized posturographic systems allow quantitative and qualitative analysis of body sway. The posturographic test must be preceded by an accurate clinical examination to identify the anomalies of the osteo-arthro-muscular structure that can cause disorders in motor programs and in proprioceptive inputs. A battery of complementary posturographic tests can clarify the influence of the vestibular, proprioceptive and visual inputs. The posturographic tests allow us: to observe particular aspects of postural control which are not usually detected by the common clinical examination; to identify the most correct kind of functional reeducation and to monitor the spontaneous evolution of the disease and the results of the therapy; to show the voluntary simulators or accentuators of unsteadiness in medico-legal reports.