Precise CD4 T-cell counting using red diode laser excitation: for richer, for poorer.

BACKGROUND Measuring CD4 T-cell counts at low cost is relevant in dealing with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic throughout the developing world. The recently introduced novel concepts in gating strategies and sample stabilization facilitate affordable immunophenotyping by flow cytometry. However, the impact of these developments is still limited by the high cost of currently available flow cytometers. METHODS Diode lasers emitting 10-15 mW at 635 nm are one-tenth the size and cost and require one thousandth the power of an equivalent 488-nm argon ion laser. We used the available 635-nm diode-based flow cytometers, including PA-II, Luminex 100, SuperMot, and FACSCalibur, to investigate whether these instruments can generate reliable CD4 counts when used with allophycocyanin (APC) and cyanin-5 (Cy5)-labeled CD4 antibodies. RESULTS We document the feasibility of obtaining leucocyte differential counts using orthogonal side scatter (SSC) without the need for forward scatter (FSC). Accurate CD4% values among lymphocytes and leucocytes can be obtained by primary CD4 gating using a single CD4 monoclonal antibody conjugated to APC or Cy5. Double immunofluorescence (IF) staining with CD4-APC (FL1) and CD45-APC-Cy7 (FL2) introduces pan-leucogating for a convenient assessment of absolute CD4 counts on double platforms. We demonstrate that small flow cytometers with laser diodes are capable of delivering absolute CD4 T-cell counts with a precision similar to the performance of the current state-of-the-art single-platform instruments (e.g., the CytoronAbsolute; R(2) = 0.961). In this respect, they appear to be superior to the nonflow CD4 counting techniques. CONCLUSIONS Accurate CD4 counts can be generated at minimal cost on red diode laser-operated flow cytometers, retaining the potential for high throughput capacity without compromising precision. With further improvements in volumetric technology and clinical software, these cytometers may develop into a new generation of inexpensive battery-operated laboratory hardware that combines cellular phenotyping with bead-based multiplexing immunoassays for (HIV) serology.

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