A new two-moment bulk stratiform cloud microphysics scheme in the Community Atmosphere Model, version 3 (CAM3). Part I: Description and numerical tests

A new two-moment stratiform cloud microphysics scheme in a general circulation model is described. Prognostic variables include cloud droplet and cloud ice mass mixing ratios and number concentrations. The scheme treats several microphysical processes, including hydrometeor collection, condensation/ evaporation, freezing, melting, and sedimentation. The activation of droplets on aerosol is physically based and coupled to a subgrid vertical velocity. Unique aspects of the scheme, relative to existing two-moment schemes developed for general circulation models, are the diagnostic treatment of rain and snow number concentration and mixing ratio and the explicit treatment of subgrid cloud water variability for calculation of the microphysical process rates. Numerical aspects of the scheme are described in detail using idealized one-dimensional offline tests of the microphysics. Sensitivity of the scheme to time step, vertical resolution, and numerical method for diagnostic precipitation is investigated over a range of conditions. It is found that, in general, two substeps are required for numerical stability and reasonably small time truncation errors using a time step of 20 min; however, substepping is only required for the precipitation microphysical processes rather than the entire scheme. A new numerical approach for the diagnostic rain and snow produces reasonable results compared to a benchmark simulation, especially at low vertical resolution. Part II of this study details results of the scheme in single-column and global simulations, including comparison with observations.

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