Bioinformatics - the youngest science about decoding the oldest language: the language of genes

The goal of bioinformatics is decoding extremely old language of life, which has only four letters (4 different nucleotides in DNA/RNA), or onla 20 letters (20 natural amino acids in proteins). New software tools must be developed to reach that goal through comparison and analysis of biological sequences.In my group we developed SPLIT and GARLIC, first for the prediction of membrane protein secondary structure, and second for the visualisation of biomacromolecules with known 3D structure. These tools are freely available for on-line calculations (SPLIT), or as a source code (GARLIC), at our scientific server for bioinformatics and biophysics, the first such server in Croatia. More than 1000 laboratories from USA and other countries with highly developed modern biology used it from 1998. For this work, we prepared the database of membrane proteins in which point mutations cause genetic diseases, and used one of these proteins to illustrate the use of SPLIT and other bioinformatics tools.